for the soul…

August 12, 2011 at 2:54 pm (picture post, reminiscence, sisters, whimsically silly)

“Only the pure in heart can make a good soup.”

– Ludwig van Beethoven
Sometimes I have so much fun with a particular photo-shoot that I want to do it again. Once upon a time, when she was only three months old, I took a few pictures of my tiny Teagle in a stew pot. While the pictures themselves are a terrible example of anything remotely resembling decent photography, I love them! When Ro was born I knew that I wanted to do a re-shoot that would somehow include big sister, too. Unfortunately time hasn’t been on my side, and even if it was, Rowan was not the kind of baby who would tolerate such nonsense. When we were both finally ready for it (last week), Ro was already 15 months old and there was just no way that she could fit into such a tiny pot! Lucky for me, my mom is into canning, and just so happens to have  a couple of giant pots lying around for that purpose. After a bit of convincing (and many fervent promises not to dent it), she let me borrow her pretty shiny one – Ro fit perfectly! And so at a year and three months, I was finally able to do my re-shoot with Ro and big sis (aka: head chef) Teagan!

I love ’em!

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