introducing. . .

April 19, 2010 at 9:23 am (birthdays, picture post, ro's colossal crusades, status report)

Introducing the newest little addition to our clan,

Rowan Tierney has arrived!

Born at 12:58pm on Saturday, April 17th,

She is 20.5 inches long

7 pounds and 15.1 ounces

of purest infantile sweetness. . .


. . .very popular among the natives. . .

Its been a difficult couple of days, but we’ve all made it through just fine. We’re praying that our stamp of approval comes through today, so we can all go home for some much-needed rest, relaxation, and family time. . .

Thank you all for the steady stream of prayers and well-wishes you’ve been sending our way!


  1. Kendall said,

    Congratulations mama!!! You did an AWESOME job and I’m pulling for that stamp of approval. She’s GORGEOUS and looks JUST like T. I told ya so!

    • Me said,

      You totally called it – She does look an awful lot like her big sis did. Its going to be so neat to see how they grow and change as they get older. Siblings rock!

      And thanks for pulling for us, but it looks like they want to keep Robaby here for the entire week on antibiotics as a precaution, because my water had been broken for over 48 hours when she finally arrived. Don’t worry – she is FINE. The nurses are all swooning over her and going on about how amazingly alert and healthy she is. Nobody is really worried about her, but it IS better to be safe than sorry, as infections in infants can get serious really fast.

      The good news is that since I nurse, they have to give me a room and keep me, too! Thank God for breasts! They said if I had been formula feeding they would have just sent me home. I’m missing T soooo much, but she’s older and can somewhat understand whats going on. I’d be beside myself if I had to leave my brand-newbie here all alone. Plus T will visit with her dad a lot!

      • Kendall said,

        Sorry to hear about the week long visit, but take this time to heal yourself. You’ve been through alot and are awesome for still being able to #1 get all this stuff put together for us to gush over and #2 for WANTING to go home! lol Think of it as a vacation and T will be fine when you get home. She’ll visit you TONS, I know…take it easy this first night…you know what I’m talking about. *hugs* from one who’s been there done that!

  2. maygan said,

    She’s so beautiful and it looks like T just adores her! What sweet photos. Congratulations!!!

    • Me said,

      Thanks, momma! I’m so happy to have gotten that pic of the two of them meeting for the first time. I think that’s going to be one of my all-time favorite images for the rest of my life!

  3. grandapok said,

    • Me said,

      I love that you aren’t too manly to ‘draw’ hearts for my baby girl!
      Ro can't wait to meetcha, I told her all about her Munki, her aunt, and her cousins already.

  4. Sharon said,


    2-ok now that that’s out of the way T HOLDING HER IS OMG WONDERFUL…really T is awesome (which we knew) but seeing her hold R…*sniffles*

    3-now really it’s out of my system…for now…I can’t believe that you had a chance to do a post with edited pictures and stuff. You really are super woman!

    anyway Congratulations! and I hope that for your own sanity you get to go home soon (like today) I can’t wait to meet her.

    • Me said,

      I know!!! I was sitting there, just. . . amazed to see my little tiny baby girl holding my OTHER little tiny baby girl. It was really surreal and emotional for me. I can’t imagine what I’ll feel like when one of THEM has a child of their own.

      And thanks! I really wanted to get a couple of pictures out to my mother, because her cell phone can’t get photo texts. Ro has been very fussy at night time, so I just had her all snuggled against me and dosing (she wouldn’t let me actually sleep, lol) and finally had a chance to look at the (amazingly few for me) pics that I managed to take over the last 2 days. But my E mail wasn’t working, so I just knocked out 2 birds with one stone and posted ’em up for everyone!

  5. Kelli said,

    She is just lovely and I know you all are thankful she is here!! What a beautiful addition!!

    • Me said,

      We think she’s absolutley gorgeous, too! Its been a crazy wild ride over here, and last night/early this morning Ro finally decided that sleep was a good idea – thank GOD because I think her father and I would have died with another night like the one before it! Glad I got a few spare seconds to send out the pics – my Email isn’t working, so three cheers for blogs!

  6. ChristinesLilSprouts said,

    Awwww, she is SO precious!!! What an angel indeed. Congratulations Mama! Hope you get some much needed rest! I too was wondering how on earth you managed to post on your blog after haven given birth the night before! Looks like T is going to be a great big sis!

    • Me said,

      LOL! She was born on Saturday afternoon, I didn’t get this posted until Monday morning! It took me longer than you think!

      Thanks for the well-wishes! To have a newborn AND get rest? That might be tricky, but I suspect things will work themselves out just fine!

  7. Sarah Benedict said,

    She is beautiful! I trust everything went smoothly since you are already posting! T looks all grown up holding her baby sister. Do I remember this wrong or was she wishing for a boy? Of course in the end I really don’t think they care! LOL I bet she is an awesome big sister!

    • Me said,

      *sigh* No. I’m afraid that almost NOTHING went smoothly at all! It is a long and dramatic story, and I’m too exhausted to get into it right now, but I’ll shoot you a birth-story at some point if you’d like. . .

      And you’re right! I don’t know if she actually cared or wanted a boy over a girl, but T was TOTALLY convinced that she was going to have a “brudder.” Its going to be so neat to watch them and their relationship grow as they do. . .

      • Sarah Benedict said,

        I would totally be interested in a birth story when you have spare time LOL I know that doesn’t happen often!

  8. wecki77 said,

    Everyone at my work says Ro is adorable! And she is, of course. And, T looks so VERY happy too.

    • Me said,

      *giggle* Tell them all thanks from me! I am so excited to meet YOUR new addition, momma! Only a few more weeks and she’ll be here. How fun that we each have two daughters so close in age! I hope that they all remain fast friends as they grow up!

  9. FooFoo said,

    Ro is so precious, Chesh! Oh, the creamy rosy baby skin. She’s just amazingly precious. The pic of T holding her baby sister is so sweet. What beautiful shots. I hope you blog later about your birth story, I’m so interested and curious to know how it all played out. Many, many, many congratulations from me to you!

    • Me said,

      Thank you, Foof! *hugs* I’ll make sure you hear about the whole ordeal as soon as I get a chance to get it all put down. . . Thank you for your constant prayers, God was listening – we needed them.

  10. Bryna said,

    Thanks for stopping by my lil blog! What a cute blondie family you have. 🙂

    I think I will keep on visiting to see how well the girls behave together. Since my #2 child is on the way, I’m always interested in seeing how other’s children interact.

    Have a wonderful day and enjoy your little family!

    • Me said,

      Thank YOU for stopping by mine! I’m really excited to see how this whole sibling thing is going to work out, too! Hopefully we can entertain each-other through the trials and tribulations (and amazement) that is mommyhood!

  11. deb said,

    Welcome to the world , precious Ro.
    congratulations on becoming a big sister to your T.

    and to the new parents. of two. of sisters. What a gift you have been given.

    It will be hours of ups and downs, but you know that already. You know that it doesn’t get much better.

    Thank you for sharing with us. You have officially made me all baby mushy, and I must go now and find all those old hospital pictures of first meetings.
    Hope you are all together in your own home soon.

    warmest wishes

  12. Kait said,

    aww… Ro is so cute… and look at big sis taking over and holding her!! i cant wait to meet her… i hope everything is smooth sailing from here, cause i know how hard it was for you!! i love you guys!!

    ❤ Kait

  13. Amber said,

    Yay! Congrats! She is so precious!

  14. Saumya said,

    OMG!!! Baby Ro is so beautiful and precious. T holding her and smiling looks just so priceless!!! Congrats a ton on arrival of Baby Ro. Take care and Lot many kisses to T and Ro!!!

  15. Jennifer said,

    She is just beautiful! What a sweet little face.

    I love her name too. You really do have a wonderfully creative talent – even when making babies!! 🙂

  16. Kathleen Scott said,

    How beautiful she is! The picture of T holding Ro is precious. You must have melted when you took it. Congratulations!

  17. Ki said,

    TWUE LOVE! For you all! *brims* Now you just needa be where you’re supposed to be.

  18. Tori said,

    Congrats!!!! I’ve looked at this post like 10 times and finally had a chance to comment!! She is soooo adorable! Everyone here at work is very excited for you too! I can’t wait to meet her! Love you all and I hope everything else goes well for you! Call me when your home and up for it and i’ll bring over lunch one day!

    p.s. T came in to work the other day and all she kept saying is ” I have a baby sister. My mommy is her Mommy too!” It was too cute! and then she went on to say how she was going to change diapers it was great! All I have to do now is find Robaby’s lil sis outfit! Trust me i’ve been lookin!!

    Love yah!

  19. Britt from pw said,

    Congrats on the new edition. She is beautiful. Foofoo (wendy) told me you had her and gave me the link. Hope you don’t mind.

  20. Alison Shaw said,

    congrats on the baby girl,she is beautiful!! hope you are doing well and cant wait to see you birth story!!! I love the picture of T holding her…unreal eh??

  21. Nikki said,

    How on earth did I miss this announcement?! Oh my gosh, she is a beauty!!!! Congratulations to your entire family. I am so glad everything went well! 🙂

  22. Jenn said,

    Baby Ro is adorable and the picture of her and T is precious! I hope everyone is adjusting nicely!! Take care dear! Love ya!

  23. Lenore (trinity's mommy) said,

    ACK!!!! how did I miss that you had the baby!!!!!! MANY BELATED CONGRATS. she is so gorgeous. wonderful!! it made my day even though she is already a month old. sheesh.

  24. one. « Huginn, Muninn, and me said,

    […] fairly certain she was just born a month or two ago. I’m not quite sure how she got to be so […]

  25. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! « Huginn, Muninn, and me said,

    […] to bring us. Baby Rowan will be turning TWO in just a couple of months! (wasn’t she just born, like, yesterday or something?). Somehow, my littlest baby is already leaving her babyhood behind […]

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